Crawl.JSON Schema for SEO-Based Metadata

Hi all! I happen to be new to, so please forgive any ignorance
on my part. But I created a new schema for a file I call Crawl.JSON. This
schema (which I accidentally called a standard) was based on HTML Meta Tags
(metadata), which the details and files are hosted at:

Excerpt: "Download this JSON file to your device, enter the correct
metadata (equivalent of html meta tags) and then upload it to the root of
your site. When that is done, implement the code referenced in readme.txt.
Once you do all this, your site should be optimized for SEO purposes! This
new JSON standard was created by converting html tags to XML, then to JSON."

If you endorse the use of this schema, please say so. Feel free to let me
know if you have any questions or concerns.

Received on Friday, 19 November 2021 07:52:12 UTC