structured data for film stocks

Hi everyone,

I've been working on a database of historical and contemporary motion
picture film stocks. Fields include attributes such as name, number,
manufacturer, gauge, speed, color balance, recommended chemistries for
processing, dates in production, as well as several anecdotal fields of
interest to preservationists and filmmakers.

Note that most entities are no longer being produced or for sale, and that
these are the raw materials of cinema and not finished works of
art/entertainment (although an anecdotal field might certainly indicate
that a notable film was shot or printed on that stock).

Does anyone know of structured data work being done in this area? I've
asked on a few appropriate film mailing lists and will raise the question
at a conference next week but I thought some folks in this world might now.

Thanks in advance.


Received on Monday, 5 April 2021 20:33:06 UTC