"same document" / "republishes" / "same content" ?


In the context of the extension of the Legislation
<https://schema.org/Legislation> schema (see here
<https://github.com/schemaorg/schemaorg/issues/2484>, and the background
pointers from here), we may need to express the following situation : a
legislation can be published in multiple official journals. It can be the
case for a national official journal that publishes EU legislation, or it
can be the case of national legislations being republished in the regional
official journals of autonomous territories.

In ELI (https://op.europa.eu/en/web/eu-vocabularies/eli), a metadata model
for legislation, a specific property "eli:is_another_publication_of" deals
with this.

I suspect this situation of "the same content is being published at
multiple places, and we want to point to them" is not so uncommon.

I'm wondering how this would be captured in schema.org.

   - My first idea was to use schema:exampleOfWork to link both works ("A
   creative work that this work is an example/instance/realization/derivation
   of."); however as the description of Legislation already uses it to encode
   a FRBR conceptual hierarchy (Legislation in general > Specific version of a
   Legislation > Specific translation of a Legislation), so this would
   - This is not a schema:sameAs, neither schema:mainEntityOfPage;
   - Using a PublicationEvent ? something that would say "this New
   CreativeWork was published through this PublicationEvent
   (schema:publication) which used as a source an existing CreativeWork ? (~
   schema:workFeatured ? or another new property)". This is seducing.

Any other idea ? was similar problematic adressed in the bib extension ?



*Thomas Francart* -* SPARNA*
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Received on Wednesday, 11 March 2020 15:36:53 UTC