RE: Historical events

Probably worth noting that

(i)                The primary value of OWL-Time is that it implements Allen’s temporal interval relations [1], which support temporal topology i.e. ordering relationships. The actual property names appear in section 4.2.21-4.2.35 [2]

(ii)              The 2006 version of OWL-Time only supported xsd:dateTime (i.e. ISO 8601 Gregorian Calendar/24 hour clock) for temporal position. In the 2017 version, additional ways to specify temporal position were added or allowed, specifically

a.      numeric position (e.g. Unix time, GPS time, millions-of-years, etc)

b.      nominal position (e.g. geologic period, dynasty name, etc)

c.      non-Gregorian calendars (e.g. Hebrew, Arabic, Chinese) – though no specific encoding is provided for these


From: Martynas Jusevičius []
Sent: Wednesday, 30 May, 2018 06:58
To: Thad Guidry <>
Cc: Muri, Allison <>; Manolis Koubarakis <>; chaals is Charles McCathie Nevile <>;
Subject: Re: Historical events

I agree that Time ontology is useful and we have use it describe historical newspaper metadata ourselves.

But how is redefining == helping? The ontology is out there on the web, dereferenceable and ready to use, with<> or without.

The Semantic Web *is* the general web.

On Tue, May 29, 2018 at 4:18 PM, Thad Guidry <<>> wrote:

This is actually not true.  The "general" web sometimes doesn't mark things up properly, yes, that is true.  But there are standards in place like Owl Time that can capture and structure Periods of Time quite effectively.

The real question is, when do we add parts of Owl Time to to begin to help the "general" web for Temporal Entities.

+1 add parts of Owl Time to sometime this year to help the "general" web.


Received on Wednesday, 30 May 2018 09:37:11 UTC