Re: Schema for Facts

Your example of "water", "boiling point", and "100" "celsius" could be
expressed with RDF Triples

A super simple example, is to capture facts with RDF statements and using
the Turtle format <> to capture those

Subject, Predicate, Object

<> <>
<> .

And good luck competing with :)
+ThadGuidry <>

On Wed, Mar 28, 2018 at 3:14 AM Gaurav Verma <>

> Hi All,
> I`m working on implementing Schema markup for our upcoming website which
> focuses on FACTS: historical facts, geographical facts, science, maths,
> language etc. Our aim is to provide a hub for information (like Wikipedia),
> but geared more towards representing information in very simple terms for
> use by AI: so that AI bots can use the schema and understand the data.
> For example, a fact of water is that it boils at 100 degree celsius. In
> what schema may I represent the information of "water", "boiling point" and
> "100" "celsius"?
> Can you please recommend what can I use for markup for such information?
> Gaurav V

Received on Wednesday, 28 March 2018 12:54:44 UTC