Re: RDF representation for pending terms


2017-06-01 12:01 GMT+02:00 Marco Brandizi <>:

> Hi all,
> I'm new to this mailing list and relatively new to I use it
> for semantic web projects, so I work more with OWL, Protegé and Virtuoso,
> than with RDFa and Javascript.
> That said,
> - I'd like to use an RDF representation of I understand that
> the official one is based on rdfs and not on OWL (I know about the TopBraid
> work, but apparently that is not maintained any more) and that I should use
> an RDFa parser to extract RDFs from
> org_rdfa.html.
>   - Please could you confirm it works like that?

You can download raw RDF data of at, without the need to parse the
source RDFa file.

> - I wonder if there is some converter to basic OWL assertions, i.e.,
> something that is able to translate "schema:rangeIncludes shema:Text" into
> owl:dataTypeProperty (with rdfs:range Literal, or xsd:text, or xsd:string)
> and "schema:rangeIncludes schema:Person" into owl:objectProperty (with
> rdfs:range shema:Person).
That would be an abuse of the semantic of "rangeIncludes". "rangeIncludes"
typically means "the range of that property _includes_ this class but the
values of that propery might well be instances of other classes", while
rdfs:range means "all the values of that property, all the time and
everywhere, can be considered instances of this class". Which is totally
different when it comes to OWL reasoning.

That being said, if you really want this, make sure to create union classes
for properties having multiples classes in their "rangeIncludes"; e.g. "X
schema:rangeIncludes schema:Person, schema:Organization" would _not_
translate into "X rdfs:range schema:Person, schema:Organization" but to "X
rdfs:range [ owl:unionOf (schema:Person schema:Organization) ]".

>   - Yes, I know there are cases like,
> those would need to be dealt with manually and I just hope they're not so
> many (and I hope I'm not too optimistic :-) ).
> - I'd like to use a few pending definitions (eg,
> Are these already represented
> in RDF/RDFa somewhere? Like in GitHub?
You can download the RDF data for the pending section from the link above.


> Thanks in advance for any help.
> Marco


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Received on Friday, 2 June 2017 08:12:41 UTC