RDF representation for pending terms

Hi all,

I'm new to this mailing list and relatively new to schema.org. I use it 
for semantic web projects, so I work more with OWL, Protegé and 
Virtuoso, than with RDFa and Javascript.

That said,

- I'd like to use an RDF representation of schema.org. I understand that 
the official one is based on rdfs and not on OWL (I know about the 
TopBraid work, but apparently that is not maintained any more) and that 
I should use an RDFa parser to extract RDFs from 

   - Please could you confirm it works like that?

- I wonder if there is some converter to basic OWL assertions, i.e., 
something that is able to translate "schema:rangeIncludes shema:Text" 
into owl:dataTypeProperty (with rdfs:range Literal, or xsd:text, or 
xsd:string) and "schema:rangeIncludes schema:Person" into 
owl:objectProperty (with rdfs:range shema:Person).

   - Yes, I know there are cases like 
http://schema.org/acceptsReservations, those would need to be dealt with 
manually and I just hope they're not so many (and I hope I'm not too 
optimistic :-) ).

- I'd like to use a few pending definitions (eg, 
http://pending.schema.org/InvestmentFund). Are these already represented 
in RDF/RDFa somewhere? Like in GitHub?

Thanks in advance for any help.


Received on Friday, 2 June 2017 07:29:41 UTC