Re:, Enumerations and Wikidata proposal

SIDE QUESTION: The only question that has been left over from the Wikidata
mapping I did is if the Mapping needs to be expanded to sameAs relations.
Most of the mapping I did was done with "equivalent class" against our
Types....but other metadata types like Properties were done with sameAs.
So should I go back and help by expanding the mapping in Wikidata to add
sameAs relations on all the entities where it makes sense ? I think so, its
a bit data redundant, but helps with our and anyone's discovery against
sameAs relations in SPARQL, others, etc.

For example, add "exact match" statement also known as "sameAs" to a class
already mapped by me with "equivalent class" in Wikidata.
Scientific Article

Let me know,
+ThadGuidry <>

On Tue, Apr 11, 2017 at 11:20 AM R.V.Guha <> wrote:

> There are many 'lists' or 'enumerations' (such as the list of countries,
> languages, ...). Often, markup wants to refer to items from such lists.
> Since we have the corresponding types, pages can refer to them via
> descriptions (e.g., 'a country with the name xxx'). It would be useful to
> have canonical lists of urls for items on these lists to help with
> reconciliation, etc.
>  The proposal is to periodically (with every release) import
> particular lists from Wikidata into ''. So, '
> <>',
> ' <>',
> etc. Along with each item (such as, we
> should also import a set of attributes/relations from Wikidata so that we
> have a description of the node, which can help with recon using reference
> by description. It will also include a sameAs link to the corresponding
> Wikidata item.
> will also suggest the use of Wikidata as a common, canonical
> entity repository for targets of the sameAs relation.
> Denny & Guha

Received on Tuesday, 11 April 2017 16:34:40 UTC