Re: Open intervals for temporalCoverage ?

As the documentation for temporalCoverage
<> states, it expects ISO 8601
time interval format <>,
so the question lies there.

Your understanding I believe is correct, that the current version of the
standard ( *ISO 8601:2000* ) does not support open ended time intervals.

In Dublin Core, which bases its formats on ISO 8601,  open ended intervals
are supported <> but
explicitly state “This representation of an *open date range* is *not*
with the representation of a time-interval defined by ISO8601:2000.”

This has been the subject of a short
I support their conclusion that an open ended time period would be
currently best represented by the appropriate use [or non-use] of
schema:startDate and schema:endDate.


Richard Wallis
Founder, Data Liberate
Twitter: @rjw

On 14 September 2016 at 10:25, Thomas Francart <>

> Hello
> Is it allowed to have values for temporalCoverage that have an open end ?
> i.e. only a start date, but no end date, or only an end date and no start
> date ? My understanding of the ISO 8601 format is that this is not allowed,
> but I would like to confirm.
> We need to be able to express a temporal coverage as an open interval in
> the description of Legislation (
> schemaorg/issues/1156), and though we could reuse that property, but we
> can do it only if it allows open intervals (legislation currently
> applicable or in force would have a start date, but no end date).
> Thanks
> Thomas
> --
> *Thomas Francart* -* SPARNA*
> Web de *données* | Architecture de l'*information* | Accès aux
> *connaissances*
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> thomasfrancart
> tel :  +33 (0), skype : francartthomas

Received on Wednesday, 14 September 2016 10:15:28 UTC