Re: Finalising 1.0 proposal

Hi Richard, et al.,

I just wanted to state again for the record that I think it's premature to
be doing archival container modeling with this kind of time-frame. I
remember the length of deliberation we went through earlier in this group
to achieve some kind of consensus on a bib extension with a much narrower
scope. It feels problematic to me to do something completely new, for an
unrepresented-but-related domain, with input from very few people.

I don't disagree with what you've laid out in principle. I do worry about
fostering ill will with the archives community if this group runs with the
proposal as is without giving anyone from that domain a chance to chime in.

Anyway, do with my comment what you will. I just wanted to share the


On Wed, Apr 22, 2015 at 8:03 AM, Wallis,Richard <>

>  Hi all,
>  I have rationalised the proposed types and properties listing on the
> wiki page <
>> to
> narrow down what will be in this release. As we try to get this ready for
> release at the end of this week.
>  Kit, Toy, PublicationSeries, BookFormatType:AudioBook,
> BookFormatType:LargePrintBook, BookFormatType:PrintBook all being deferred
> to a later release (1.1 - see wiki page <
>  Collection has been moved in with the General Types & Properties as it
> is more general than just containers.
>  Comics, I have added the details and links to the Wiki page.
>  Containers - I would still like to see this in if possible. It is
> targeted at the storage of archive material, not the organisation of
> archives themselves - see example on the container page
> <> - it is a basic foundation
> that could be used elsewhere and may at a later date be ca candidate for
> promotion to there core
>  As said previously, we are not precious of any of these proposals being
> in the release.  However what we have here seems to fit together well as an
> initial release of
>  Final comments pleaseā€¦.
>   ~Richard

Corey A Harper
Metadata Services Librarian
New York University Libraries
20 Cooper Square, 3rd Floor
New York, NY 10003-7112

Received on Wednesday, 22 April 2015 18:45:09 UTC