Fwd: Help needed: EPUB 3.01 revision referencing a11y metadata spec


The first four terms in the accessibility proposal could be useful for 
us as well, I think.

accessMode (text, auditory, tactile....)
mediaFeature (text, captions, largePrint, ChemML...)
isAdaptationOf (URL)
hasAdaptation (URL)

I think it would be worth working with this group *quickly* to see if 
there's anything major that we need that isn't there at this time. We 
should assume that we could add other types later.


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Help needed: EPUB 3.01 revision referencing a11y metadata  spec
Resent-Date: Sat, 31 Aug 2013 17:15:54 +0000
Resent-From: public-vocabs@w3.org
Date: Sat, 31 Aug 2013 11:14:59 -0600
From: George Kerscher <kerscher@montana.com>
To: <public-vocabs@w3.org>
CC: Gerardo Capiel <gerardoc@benetech.org>,        Matt Garrish 

Dear schema.org folks,

We need some help here. The proposal at:

Is under consideration by  the International Digital Publishing Forum
(IDPF)'s working group for inclusion in the EPUB 3.01 revision that is
quickly working towards ISO approval as a Technical Specification.

It would be terrific if this could reach a status in the next few weeks to
make it into this spec. EPUB 3 references HTML5 and other specifications
that are not full W3C recommendations, but a status of accepted public draft
or better is necessary for inclusion in the spec.

If somehow we could get the accessibility metadata spec to this state, I
would appreciate it.

>From my POV, having this type of metadata in the package file for each EPUB
3 publication  would go a long, long way in promoting digital publications
that are accessible to persons with disabilities.

I have copied Gerardo and Matt with this request, who are in a better
position to answer technical questions.


George Kerscher Ph.D.
-In our Information Age, access to information is a fundamental human right.
Secretary General, DAISY Consortium
Senior Officer, Accessible Technology Learning Ally originally Recording For
the Blind & Dyslexic
President, International Digital Publishing Forum (IDPF)
Member of the National Museum and Library Services  Board (IMLS)
Chair Steering Council Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI), a division of the
Phone: +1 406/549-4687
Cell:+1 406/544-2466
Email: kerscher@montana.com

Received on Saturday, 31 August 2013 20:15:25 UTC