Missing Schema.Org properties

Missing objects and properties:

*         Ability to describe authoritative subjects (LC/Mesh/etc.)?
Is this Genre? I don't think this is Keyword.

*         Issn, issue, volume, eissn, etc. (Book has isbn but article does not have issn).
Should there be Journal and article have ability to state membership in a Journal (either through properties and/or URI of the Journal)?

*         Other identifiers: Eisbn, Doi (same as above), pmid, oclc number, Ex Libris too has IDs, etc,

*         Citations

*          (Digital) Access Rights, Embargo

*         Collections and Packages

*         Abstract, ToC

*         Additional Title?

*         Thumbnail

*         Author Initial

If someone thinks there are ways of describing the above then please say so.
The above list added to the Wiki.


Received on Monday, 3 December 2012 07:49:29 UTC