Re: Examples Re: Modelling Course and CourseOffering

On Feb 16, 2016 11:59 AM, "Wes Turner" <> wrote:
> is this an identity, or is there value in comparing parsed example output
as (sorted) text in turtle/N3? this may be helpful for validating examples:
> from collections import OrderedDict
> jsonld_odict=OrderedDict(jsonld)
> ttl1 = rdfa2ttl(
>   jinja2.template.render(
>    '#rdfa-tmpl.jinja',
>    context=jsonld_odict))
> ttl2 = jsonld2ttl(jsonld_odict)
> assertEqual(ttl1, ttl2)
> s/ttl/n3/

[Check out @westurner's Tweet:]

I should be around to merge PRs to #972.

- I've got a Makefile, a Dockerfile, and a start at some additional tests
but no real work to show for defining the schema.
  - how do we keep descriptions in sync from the gdoc?
   - [ ] gdoc -> csv (c,)//(p,) -> jinja2templates[c or

> On Feb 16, 2016 7:56 AM, "Phil Barker" <> wrote:
>> On 16/02/2016 13:40, Dan Brickley wrote:
>>> Can I put in a vote for JSON-LD or Microdata/RDFa in those examples;
I'm afraid Turtle/N3 remains a relatively esoteric skill, and it would be
good to keep examples close to the form that will be in eventual use in the
wider Web (and on Dan
>> Yep, that's where I'm heading. The copies I am working on have RDFa, the
N3 is generated automatically by So you can view
source on
>> <> for
the RDFa
>> In the past I've used rdf-translator to generate JSON-LD, but the output
needs simplifying before it can be used for examples.
>> see <
>> It's pretty easy to generate microdata examples from the RDFa
>> Phil
>> --
>> Phil Barker           @philbarker
>> LRMI, Cetis, ICBL
>> Heriot-Watt University
>> Workflow:
>> ----- We invite research leaders and ambitious early career researchers
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Received on Tuesday, 16 February 2016 18:06:11 UTC