schema course extend: accessibility

Hello again, I propose that we do not address accessibility requirements 
as part of the course extension (we can use properties inherited from 
more general accessibility work).

We have  use cases relating to accessibility at

namely that it should be possible to find course where the searcher is 
concerned about physical and cognitive accessibility features, controls, 
API, hazards.

This leads to requirements around identifyingaccessibility features, 
controls, API, hazards of resources (i.e. CreativeWorks) used in 
delivering the course, in any Events that are part of the course and at 
any locations where the events are held.

There are other people with specialist knowledge for accessibility who 
have dealt with the accessibility of CreativeWorks (so we can just apply 
that to Course and to any materials used in the course), and there is an 
open issue relating to accessibility of Places (and hence events at 
those places),

So, are we happy to leave accessibility to the accessibility people and 
use the outputs of their work for Course and CourseInstance as they are 
inherited from CreativeWork, Event etc.?


Phil Barker           @philbarker
Heriot-Watt University


Received on Thursday, 18 August 2016 14:31:26 UTC