Screen Capture CG meetings at TPAC 2024 [via Screen Capture Community Group]

TPAC 2024 is fast upon us, and this year, the Screen Capture Community Group will be holding two meetings:

Our first meeting (1/2) will be a joint one between the Screen Capture CG and the WebRTC WG, scheduled for 24 September 2024, 16:30–18:00 Pacific Daylight Time. We will cover both new and ongoing topics, including:

* New API surfaces to facilitate dynamically switching shared surfaces during a video call.* New API changes to increase the capturing application's insight into the true resolution of shared surfaces.* Continued discussion of Element Capture (* Continued discussion of Captured Surface Control ( for more details of this first meeting (1/2).

Our second meeting (2/2) will be a standalone session for the Screen Capture CG, scheduled for 27 September 2024, 11:00–12:30 Pacific Daylight Time. Unlike our typical meetings, which are usually structured discussions of newly proposed Web APIs, this session will be a free-form discussion on any topics related to screen-sharing that participants bring up. We will intentionally avoid a fixed agenda, but to kick off the conversation, here are some ideas we could discuss:

* Capturing a rectangular sub-section of the screen.Comparison of "media-picker" experiences across various browsers and operating systems, discussing what works and why.Sharing audio - inconsistencies across surface-types, operating systems and browsers.Echo cancellation.The challenges of sharing audio from a multi-window application.Beyond mere screen-capture; what about remote control? Could this ever be possible on the open Web?Any other topics participants would like to bring up.See for more details of this second meeting (2/2).

Please don't hesitate to mail me at with any questions you might have, or even just to mention that you'll be dropping by.


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'Screen Capture CG meetings at TPAC 2024'

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Received on Thursday, 12 September 2024 19:37:07 UTC