Re: Unvaccinated people?

I've not publically disclosed the serious Human rights related issues I've
had to deal with, in poverty, as others have sought the commercial win.

But there's consequences; some are mocked in independent media,

People must build castles on stable ground.

Noam (Chomsky) said to me, costs and sacrifices, people are responsible for
their behaviours.

Can you imagine how I feel, having done near a decade of work, without VC
funding of a government job as to build #RealityCheckTech to support the
means for people to employ available trusted information infrastructure (as
used by government, intelligence, telecommunications, social media, etc).as
to walk into a court room to tell the truth,

And experience this, as an outcome.

Whilst kindness be demanded.

I advocated for ensuring some sorts of health related #VerifiableClaims
such as ensuring to know the difference between a human trafficking victim,
and a criminal.

What drives people? Cause I'm confused...

Seems principals of privacy and such, have been weaponised for profits of

I've started building a campaign that suggests business owners (or: those
subject to Vaccinepassports checks) also do a employer check, as to ensure
they do not accept funds from human rights abusers.

"Show us your LinkedIn profile"...

At least, the sentiment counts.

It's up to businesses to decide...  Moreover, much more than that; but how
does this stuff help humanity walk into a court of law to be supported with
digital evidence about lived experiences when telling the truth?

It doesn't.  That was a choice.  I promise to be kind as to not be

I doubt I'll ever know what it means to be a father.  People say, this work
is "free"...

Ideology is built into the legals, overall. IMO.

Timothy Holborn.

On Sat, 25 Sep 2021, 5:09 am Brent Shambaugh, <>

> *penultimate => *ultimate
> On Fri, Sep 24, 2021 at 2:07 PM Brent Shambaugh <>
> wrote:
>> I've heard about things being absolutely nuts in Melbourne. It is
>> important to think about the ramifications of misapplication of technology
>> in this kind of environment. The W3C as I know is not a law making body.
>> However, I suppose best practices could be encouraged? The closest that I
>> can think of is web accessibility. IMO, we used to have a critical mass of
>> people fearing God* that things did not get out of control.
>> *Belief there is some sort of penultimate authority that will ultimately
>> hold us accountable, and works for a good outcome if in alignment,
>> regardless of personal or organizational resources.
>> On Fri, Sep 24, 2021 at 1:53 PM Timothy Holborn <
>>> wrote:
>>> An elderly lady on the radio last night. Double 💉💉 is afraid of going
>>> to the supermarket because of un-jabbed people. She also said that the
>>> unvaccinated should be eliminated🤦🏻‍♂️ I kid you not.
>>> Source:
>>> I grew up in a medical family, pathology.
>>> Par of what is now:
>>> The wealth taught me lots as a kid.
>>> Part of how I started my works from 2000 leading me here, and my comments
>>> When seeking to figure out an "identity ecosystem" that served human
>>> beings, noting, works on things like lowstakes usecases such as tv (HbbTV)
>>> during the 00's (before I got involved here, or knew much about it).
>>> Who else thinks unvaccinated persons (regardless of the drugs? Or
>>> whatever) should be eliminated?
>>> It's interesting as the work started here (inc. WebID & web-payments)
>>> then led to protests, but people are very quiet like, it doesn't matter?
>>> It matters to me...
>>> As far as I can tell, the work I was involved with, with others, doesn't
>>> support the means for people to take facts to a court to seek support of
>>> human rights....? I guess it wasn't a W3C usecase. But does the non English
>>> speaking world care about excuses?
>>> After an assult,
>>> intentionally made a hackjob of
>>> the UDhr and other human rights charters and related things, to see what
>>> was done.
>>> Afaik, nothing.  By all means point me to the ontology. It would be
>>> great to employ, ATM.
>>> We talk about RWW like it's a right for people to contribute and be
>>> heard via www.
>>> Yet...  Is this just a place of harvest...?
>>> IDK.
>>> I pointed out to the Twitter:
>>> @jack led group links (inc. links for the videos that
>>> remarkably still work that way) for old work, that I used, that worked.
>>> Back then.
>>> Is the problem not one of economics?
>>> I don't understand human depravity, as a business model.  I'm surprised
>>> W3C members do, indeed, I don't understand.
>>> Timothy Holborn.

Received on Friday, 24 September 2021 19:22:32 UTC