Re: (human) identity fabric (agents concepts linked)

Fwiw; the more important underlying usecase, was about "rule of law" linked
to government funded "bad actors" seeking impunity for matters, such as
those that irreparably harm the human rights of kids.

Amongst others...

But I haven't really exposed such things online.  Respectfully....

Point being, person whose life is in jeopardy, should be able to walk into
a court of law, but their lives (digitally) on the table (like sig. Int.
Capabilities, former telco persot, personally) and ask for action; to save

California / others, didn't do that then, nor now.

Thought it was important.

Timothy Holborn.

Timothy Holborn.

On Sat, 15 May 2021, 5:32 am Timothy Holborn, <>

> Old links...  (After I'd found / tested virtuoso and "project hydra",
> etc...)
> On Sat, 15 May 2021, 5:26 am Timothy Holborn, <>
> wrote:
>> Sorry, re: clarifications,
>> What did it do back in ~2011/2 when I first installed it? (Vs. now?). I
>> can pull the dates, but you likely have them in your licensing server??  I
>> was trying to do a POC via building a heritage capability as an initial
>> usecase, at the time.... (supporting a Hysterical/ historical society)...
>> Does it have more functionality since then?  I assumed the answer was
>> "yes" particularly given the status of "web payments" (pre credentials),
>> way back then (before I ended up on the lists, something, I didn't consider
>> would ever happen in my life, at the time)...
>> Limitations linked to creating a knowledge banking framework. I started
>> concepts in 2000 ("information bank" or ibank) which progressed to
>> "knowledge banking" circa 2011/2012 after doing some work "updating" old
>> work, from mid 2010 (indigenous application started 2009/10)..
>> I think you're first "dataspaces" demo was 2007???  V.interested in
>> "temporal web" / provenance solutions....
>> Dignity enhancing web (vs. web slavery, or worse).
>> Timothy Holborn.
>> On Sat, 15 May 2021, 5:07 am Kingsley Idehen, <>
>> wrote:
>>> On 5/14/21 1:07 PM, Timothy Holborn wrote:
>>> Overall; the underlying intent; was to create complex AUTH /
>>> Endification / Identification fabric capabilities; that could in-turn,
>>> support complex (hyper-private) semantics, that could only be brought about
>>> post-technological growth; with support of political will...  i"m not sure
>>> that' going to happen (in the western world, first or at all); but,  i
>>> wanted to make a note that the examples provided by openlink software
>>> (virtuoso) or Project Hydra (samvera nowadays?) didn't have enough
>>> functionality back in 2011/2; as such, i sought to improve it, to support -
>>> human beings, unto 'rule of law', for a moral economy, etc...
>>> Hi Timothy,
>>> To be clear:
>>> OpenLink Virtuoso <> is a platform that
>>> includes a multi-protocol authentication layer. One of the many supported
>>> protocols is WebID-TLS. We also support NetID-TLS which is basically
>>> WebID-TLS decoupled from http: scheme URIs e.g., it supports ldap: scheme
>>> URIs.
>>> Authorization wise, our technology is driven 100% by RDF
>>> sentences/statements (informed by terms from relevant ontologies).
>>> I don't see limitations in RDF that aren't surmounted by the use of
>>> SPARQL as a Rules Language (like Datalog back in the day) re authorization
>>> via access controls.
>>> With the clarifications above outlined, what limitation are you speaking
>>> about?
>>> --
>>> Regards,
>>> Kingsley Idehen 
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Received on Friday, 14 May 2021 19:38:50 UTC