Re: History

Oh, you might also find this interesting

Perhaps Nathan / Melvin can give you some background info on bitmark.

Timothy Holborn.

On Sat, 14 Aug 2021, 5:43 am Timothy Holborn, <>

> Hi Adeel,
> It's 5:40am here, I've been up all night perusal.  Will reply after I get
> some sleep.
> I have a bunch of docs around it, as does Amanda (and others).
> Also, checkout the slicing pie link.
> Will follow-up.
> Cheers.
> Timothy Holborn.
> On Sat, 14 Aug 2021, 5:25 am Adeel, <> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> So, from measuring the productive output for review across the value
>> chain how would it equate to:
>> 1) contributor1 published some creative work as a commit (would the
>> commit in itself create the value or the push to master?)
>> 2) contributor2 publishes a bug to solve contributor1 creativework then
>> commits (how would that get tracked through the value chain?)
>> 3) lead comes along and does a scheduled merge this causes a summary of
>> certs to be produced across the value chain (who gets the credit, because
>> in the merge commit it overrides every other contributor on the chain that
>> has previously had made a commit?
>> 4) how do you validate the distributed contributions from overriding
>> merge commits?
>> 5) when the full website product is produced for distribution will there
>> be 4 contributors tracked or 1 with the summary cert?
>> 6) how would you track work output from an unquantifiable work output
>> like training/mentoring contributors on the value chain, something that is
>> abstract like code review, proofreading someone's work vs something that is
>> quantifiable like writing code, documentation or writing an article?
>> Thanks,
>> Adeel
>> On Fri, 13 Aug 2021 at 20:05, Timothy Holborn <>
>> wrote:
>>> Couple things,
>>> History informs choice, or perverts it....depending on what character
>>> traits societies want to promote or punish, choices are made.
>>> quick bit of history (still a little irritated).
>>> [image: ValueChain.jpg]
>>> image source
>>> (NB found: )
>>> is good too...
>>> always good to check dates; hopefully, it'll become easier, in future...
>>> Manu went about engaging in a contract pursuing educational
>>> credentials.  It then appeared that he needed SBIR funding. We spoke about
>>> it, but he complained that he needed resources to even go after the
>>> grants.  I kinda understood this due to a former business partner (2000-2)
>>> who did similar things (gov grants, biz plans, etc) locally (
>>> ); but didn't know how it went in the US, so I
>>> asked someone I thought would know.
>>> (per below).
>>> Whilst Manu later got SBIR funding, and I wonder if these actions led to
>>> "Respect Network" becoming more involved with credentials; it's still
>>> presently not as clear as could be useful for future purposes.
>>> The history of how that came about would be great to chart out...
>>> In anycase, See below...
>>> IMO: it is important to fill in the gaps.
>>> I know what I did in past to support the growth of knowledge banking
>>> systems, #RealityCheckTech - cyber support for #RuleOfLaw.  And I know I
>>> have an archive that goes back some 20+ years on my work, with so much done
>>> over the last decade...  i know and am mindful of the sorts of considera
>>> tions that went into "verifiable claims" (rather than, 'identity
>>> credentials').
>>> I don't think Victor knows it's now being used to power vaccine
>>> passports globally...
>>> But I also don't really want to follow-up with him about it, for
>>> various complicated reasons that go back to old issues, more than a decade
>>> overall; key to why the 'access to justice' use cases, the use cases where
>>> I wanted to record an environment via any media, then transcoded / phonetic
>>> analysis, all the stuff I first knew about from NMXS back in 2001
>>> (transcoding digibetas & making them searchable, for cable tv distribution
>>> in the US) + so much more; to ensure, human rights of kids were easily able
>>> to be protected in a court of law.
>>> Just show the judge what happened... have the means to present the
>>> digital evidence when it matters most.  Rather than letting immoral people
>>> assault kids, in darkness, with no evidence, for profits, for income;
>>> Income that is all too often, government paid (only caring about the next
>>> promotion, kinda people) - so i thought, build capability for low-cost
>>> truth telling in courts of law. fix problems, rather than engage in
>>> 'fairy-tale narrative' warfare, like a bunch of creatives on the astroturf
>>> late at night at the standard hotel in LA...
>>> Yet, knowing that wasn't something people here would have invested their
>>> time in solving; it was convenient that it fit into an ecosystem, what I
>>> called the knowledge banking ecosystem, and if it worked; it would solve
>>> that problem I cared most about in this generation of adults, not the next.
>>> So much progress since, but verifiable claims as 'vaccine passport', has
>>> very little to do with the protection of the human rights of kids.  Indeed
>>> even providing verifiable claims in the sex worker industry (ie; mental
>>> health check, ensuring they're able to voluntarily make choices about their
>>> own lives & "of sound mind", etc.) to protect against human trafficking,
>>> na...  Can't do that yet either...  Not as profitable as helping out
>>> pharma, like we're all experts in pathology...
>>> "He thought he could build a secure system for people to access their
>>> personal computer functions, plus their favourite TV programs, movies, any
>>> kind of media, over the internet.  "It was a* Bill Gates
>>> take-over-the-world platform*," he says. It sounds like a young man's
>>> grandiosity, but some of Australia's leading IT figures looked at his idea
>>> and liked it."
>>> Source June 19, 2004 -
>>> In anycase: I think if the claim is that only coders are useful or that
>>> other similar statements made are going to be considered; then, I can keep
>>> providing more insights overtime about good faith work done in past and
>>> perhaps we can better clarify what happened, prior to those court hearings
>>> globally re: vaccine passports and related globalist affairs linked to mass
>>> toilet paper shortages and other amazing illustrations of ideologically
>>> compliant moral flexibility by some of our colleagues.
>>> There's alot of none coders who want to know what happened, and some of
>>> those noncoders have stockpiles of toilet paper to protect their health, as
>>> a consequence of the work done by so few here...
>>> (Population went up last year?)
>>> As noted, fairly irritated.
>>> I hope the underlying problems can be appropriately addressed as to
>>> optimise real-world productivity (/quality of life) throughout the western
>>> world (& elsewhere generally also), asap.
>>> As a consequence of this line of enquiry (per below) back in 2015, I
>>> then ended up doing a bunch of work on community tv, which is on the list
>>> around that time; a man called Tony Scott helped me with some financial /
>>> proposal works, extending from the aforementioned work with "Alex" amongst
>>> others...
>>> Tony later died tragically.  RIP Tony Scott.
>>> Alot of big changes happened in AU law relating to modern slavery,
>>> domestic violence, anti-money laundering & related improvements around
>>> protections against financial crimes, etc.
>>> Obviously, part of what verifiable claims is suppose to help with; is
>>> KYC/AML. (Anti money laundering).
>>> I guess they're planning on upgrading the use cases for vaccine
>>> passports once implemented; I'd guess, they'll be plugged into prominent
>>> silicon valley global platforms, where they'll be managing the AI to help
>>> eradicate Content about particular subjects, whilst selling as much toilet
>>> paper as the climate change politics will allow.
>>> (Zombies).
>>> As noted; my work, is on #realitychecktech
>>> I found the cognitive AI CG, I think it makes more sense to look at how
>>> that layer is intended to work; then backfill.
>>> history below...
>>> Timothy Holborn.
>>> re:
>>> ---------- Forwarded message ---------
>>> From: Victor Perton <redacted>
>>> Date: Thu, 4 Jun 2015, 6:55 am hi
>>> Subject: Re: SBIR Writer
>>> To: Timothy Holborn <>, Anton Nekic <redacted>
>>> Dear Anton and Tim, maybe the two of you could collaborate on this
>>> project.  Vic
>>> Anton, Tim write to me saying "*Looking for someone US based, ideally
>>> in or near MA; or, VIC. Australia, to help with a U.S. Application
>>> around
>>> <>"*
>>> *Vic*
>>> *Victor Perton*
>>> *Adviser, Advocate and wise Counsel*
>>> <>
>>> *Senior Adviser, Oppeus International <> - **“Finding
>>> and Supporting Great Leaders”*
>>> *Principal, Victor Perton Global Partners*
>>> *Board Member, Australian Government's Council on Australian Latin
>>> American Relations (COALAR)
>>> <>*
>>> *Steering Committee, Griffith University's Global Integrity Summit
>>> <>*
>>> Redacted
>>> *Connect to Victor via Social Media*
>>> Linkedin <> Facebook
>>> <> Twitter
>>> <> Pinterest
>>> <>
>>> On Wed, Jun 3, 2015 at 6:14 PM, Timothy Holborn <
>>>> wrote:
>>>> *Hi Victor,Looking for someone US based, ideally in or near MA; or,
>>>> VIC. Australia, to help with a U.S. Application around
>>>> <>Tim.*

Received on Friday, 13 August 2021 19:45:53 UTC