

Apologize for using the lists this way. I'm a developer currently seeking
for job (freelance / semantic web development).

Given that I'm posting this already, let me take advantage to include a few
words regarding a, maybe pretentious, idea for a project. Take it as my
last experience in my resume.

I just began trying to put this into words and is not obvious if I'm being
clear. So, sorry if this is kind of fuzzy, any comments are welcome:

The idea of the project is to "augment" an ESB for EAI platform and to
enable it allowing it to make "inferences" regarding which routes to use,
"discovering" sources / destinations of an event message(s) which then it
transforms / enriches according destination "semantics" and format(s).

This featuring the exposure of a generic facade which allows to see in an
"homogeneous" view the applications or services and their data, schema and
behavior (actions) that could be integrated into the tool.

Different integrated applications are enriched with this facade and with
the events that, given the inferred routes and transformations, augments
theirs data, schema and behaviors, invoking activities corresponding to
each destiny semantics.

The idea, finally, began to resemble a generic application / frontend /
endpoint gateway. For now I have a blog and an ongoing yet to be built

Use Case: Goals App

In the beginning I thought make something that enhances / augments, for
example, productivity apps such as Jira, Trello and others, integrating
them with other tools (Drive, for example) "annotating" semantic
relationships between documents / objects / activities in / of each tool
and other tools from which a "translation" could be made where an activity
in one implies behavior in another.

(this list is a "fuzzy" draft, I should explain myself in each point):

Goals App: purpose / goals / domain driven syndication of  integrated
business / social / cloud application features. User / Groups / Roles
Purpose(s), Goal(s), Task(s) "intelligent" tracking oriented focus
providing an abstraction and integration layer of players process flows /
interactions and players process assets management and semantic

Goals App: Semantically annotated gestures / interactions (contexts,
purposes messages / interactions / resources / content). Subject context
occurrence role attributes values (metaclass, class, instance, occurrences).

Goals App: API Facade for rendering aggregated data roles in contexts
interactions topics / subjects assets (conceptual domain contexts axis /
state views / activations: Forms / Flows). Example: domain declared
Customer (actor / role), Product, Order, Purchase, Invoice, etc. topics /
subjects assets rendered in contexts (Sales Report, Expenses Report, etc.
embedded / linked dashboards). Wizards.

Goals App: Browse / search / activate: history / relations / referrer
context / interaction / gestures roles traceability / (dialogs). Gestures /
interactions (actor / asset, actor / actor). Wizards.

Goals App: Hypermedia contents APIs (embedded / embeddable resources:
Semantic contextual Wiki / Apache Stanbol / CMS: hypermedia augmentation,
knowledge / behavior maps). Integration: augmentation / sync backends /
apps. Extension: services / APIs. Annotate / augment link content. DAV
protocol (integration / extension facades).

Low level Resource / Message / Context model / layers API. REST. Render DOM
Context / OGM Domain (model) instances: Restful Objects / Apache Isis / HAL
/ GraphQL (meta / domains models endpoints) like APIs. Forms / Flows MVC /
DCI APIs (connectors / clients / adapters).


Received on Sunday, 4 August 2019 20:34:46 UTC