Lost Email - 'Data by Design' concept - Re: WPWG On NOT abandoning the CG specs (was Re: Update on Web Payments Working Group)

Manu - Note: I found -
https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-payments-wg/2016Jul/0160.html -
but perhaps this email has less to do with that than other things...

On Mon, 26 Sep 2016 at 22:56 Melvin Carvalho <melvincarvalho@gmail.com>

On 5 April 2016 at 23:05, Manu Sporny <msporny@digitalbazaar.com> wrote:

On 04/04/2016 06:49 AM, Melvin Carvalho wrote:
> Lastly, please please please, dont abandon the CG specifications.
> They are some of the best work anywhere.  In a sense the CG is in
> some ways ahead of the WG at this point.

We have no intention of abandoning the concepts in the CG
specifications. We will fight for the consensus positions of this group
- level playing field, financial inclusion, innovative ecosystem, etc.

The recent scuffle in the Web Payments Working Group is not the end. A
decision was made to use the Microsoft/Google specification as the base
specification for the Web Payments Browser API. We have the ability to
change those specifications. One approach is by submitting
counter-specifications like this:


Another approach is for people from this community to pick an issue to
fight for/against and move that particular item forward:



The way I see it there are three webs, and three payments webs:


Roughly speaking:

The web 3.0 era (c. 2010-2020+) is about data.  Data, and particularly
linked data, on the web becomes a first class citizen.  This is a
fundamentally different model, but also one that very few people have yet
to understand.  It is in a sense a more distributed and decentralized model
of the web in line with the original vision.  Payments in this paradigm
new, exciting, and very powerful, and can solve use cases existing and not
yet imagined to date.  It can also handle all existing use cases via
bootstrapping.  In this sense it's very similar to technologies like
bitcoin.  It also covers a lot of the work done with JSON LD which deals
with first class data primitives on the web.


An idea i've been thinking about recently is encapsulated in a naming
concept of 'data by design' for explaining new forms of web-development
strategy.  The point here is that a 'data by design' website, isn't
actually about the UI (css, et.al.); but rather, about the means to
discover and navigate underlying structured data-services that lives
underneath the ordinary website UX.

Therein the concept of pointing at URLs to save the page for the
data-services that lives in that page rather than the UI provided by the
page.  in essence; multi-modal decentralised data-service design...

One of the inspirational viewpoints = https://youtu.be/wvhW8cp15tk?t=16m56s
<https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wvhW8cp15tk> spoke about paradigm shifts
that allow for market entry.

The concept of 'data by design' is a website that can be easily used by a
linked-data processor to find the data in site, and care less about the UI.
  amongst the best examples of how this might be demonstrated: using
http://melvincarvalho.com/  to produce an addressbook entry is amongst the
ideas therein.

"data by design" the means in which people produce websites not defined by
the UI; but rather, defined by the embedded structured data that makes that
website useful to others.


Received on Monday, 24 October 2016 09:20:23 UTC