Re: How the father of the World Wide Web plans to reclaim it from Facebook and Google

On 2016-08-11 15:16, Melvin Carvalho wrote:
> Really good article, mentions Solid and other technologies.  WebID is mentioned by the author in the comments too ...

One of the problems with the Web is that there is no easy way letting a provider know where you come from (=where your Web resources are).  This is one reason why OpenID rather created more centralization.  The same problem is in payments where the credit-card number is used to find your bank through complex centralized registers.

Both of these use-cases can be addressed by having URLs + other related data such as keys in something like a digital wallet which you carry around.

There is a snag though: Since each use-case needs special logic, keys, attributes etc. it seems hard (probably impossible), coming up with a generic Web-browser solution making such schemes rely on extending the Web-browser through native-mode platform-specific code.

Although W3C officials do not even acknowledge the mere existence(!) of such work, the progress on native extensions schemes has actually been pretty good:

This is approach to decentralization is BTW not (anymore) a research project, it is fully testable in close to production-like settings today:

The native extensions also support a _decentralized_development_model_for_Web_technology_, something which is clearly missing in world where a single browser vendor has 80% of the mobile browser market!


Received on Friday, 12 August 2016 04:47:08 UTC