Re: Releasing RWW.IO

Now I have tried it out as well including the micro-blogging.
It was cool with one exception, TLS CCA (Client Certificate Authentication)

Logging in to required me to select certificate twice and
from a pretty long list of non-WebID certificates.

Unless W3C gets their act together and creates a web-compliant replacement
for TLS CCA, WebID won't ever catch on.  I have no faith in W3C for taking
any action on this since not even the requirements have ever been discussed.
TLS is a sacred cow.

Fortunately Google hadn't any problems slaughtering this poor creature
when they started their U2F project which have created a hype I haven't
seen before during my 15Y+ in the "id-business".  It didn't take an
eternity either.

grumpy old fart with a mission

Received on Saturday, 3 May 2014 08:09:01 UTC