Re: PhD defense of Andrei Vlad Sambra on Data ownership and Interop. in Decentralized Social SemWeb

On 26 November 2013 12:05, Andrei Sambra <> wrote:

> It went great, though I don't feel any different now than I did before. :)
> I am currently participating in a workshop called "Weave the Web We Want"
> at Mozilla Paris:
> Lots of
> interesting discussions so far, with more to come (especially on
> alternative payments).

Congratulations.  Very well deserved! :)

> Andrei
> On Tue, Nov 26, 2013 at 10:59 AM, Melvin Carvalho <
>> wrote:
>> On 11 November 2013 10:41, Andrei Sambra <> wrote:
>>> Thank you all, I'm looking forward to it!
>> How did it go? :)
>>> Andrei
>>> On Sun, Nov 10, 2013 at 11:45 PM, Tim Berners-Lee <> wrote:
>>>> Indeed, Good luck, Andrei! Have fun.
>>>> Tim
>>>> On 2013-11 -06, at 23:54, Olivier Berger wrote:
>>>> > Hi.
>>>> >
>>>> > FYI, and as he's too shy to make the announcement himself, let me tell
>>>> > you that Andrei Vlad Sambra will be defending his PhD thesis on
>>>> Tuesday
>>>> > November 19th 2013, at Telecom SudParis (Évry, France), on the suject
>>>> of
>>>> > "Data Ownership and Interoperability for a Decentralized Social
>>>> Semantic
>>>> > Web".
>>>> >
>>>> > Let's wish him good luck for the final sprint ;-)
>>>> >
>>>> > Below's a copy of the announcement (removed the abstract in french).
>>>> >
>>>> > Best regards
>>>> >
>>>> > --------------
>>>> >
>>>> > J'ai le plaisir de vous inviter à ma soutenance de thèse de doctorat
>>>> > intitulée: « La propriété des données et l'interopérabilité pour un
>>>> Web
>>>> > sémantique social décentralisé ».
>>>> > Cette thèse a été préparée sous la direction du Professeur Maryline
>>>> > Laurent au sein de l'équipe R3S du laboratoire UMR5157 SAMOVAR.  Elle
>>>> se
>>>> > tiendra le mardi 19 novembre 2013 à 10h en salle A003.
>>>> >
>>>> > Composition du jury :
>>>> > Monsieur Josep Domingo Ferrer - Professeur HDR Universitat Rovira i
>>>> > Virgili, Rapporteur
>>>> > Monsieur Fabien Gandon - Chargé de recherche INRIA, Rapporteur
>>>> > Monsieur Jean-Gabriel Ganascia - Professeur HDR LIP6 University Pierre
>>>> > et Marie Curie, Examinateur
>>>> > Mousieur Yves Roudier - Maitre de conférences HDR - Eurecom,
>>>> Examinateur
>>>> > Monsieur Olivier Berger - Ingénieur de recherche - Télécom SudParis,
>>>> > Examinateur
>>>> > Madame Maryline Laurent - Professeur HDR - Télécom SudParis,
>>>> Directrice
>>>> > de thèse
>>>> >
>>>> > Abstract:
>>>> >
>>>> > Ensuring personal data ownership and interoperability for
>>>> decentralized
>>>> > social Web applications is currently a debated topic, especially when
>>>> > taking into consideration the aspects of privacy and access control.
>>>> > Since the user's data are such an important asset of the current
>>>> > business models for most social Websites, companies have no incentive
>>>> to
>>>> > share data among each other or to offer users real ownership of their
>>>> > own data in terms of control and transparency of data usage. We have
>>>> > concluded therefore that it is important to improve the social Web in
>>>> > such a way that it allows for viable business models while still being
>>>> > able to provide increased data ownership and data interoperability
>>>> > compared to the current situation.
>>>> >
>>>> > To this regard, we have focused our research on three different
>>>> topics:
>>>> > identity, authentication and access control. First, we tackle the
>>>> > subject of decentralized identity by proposing a new Web standard
>>>> called
>>>> > "Web Identity and Discovery" (WebID), which offers a simple and
>>>> > universal identification mechanism that is distributed and openly
>>>> > extensible. Next, we move to the topic of authentication where we
>>>> > propose WebID-TLS, a decentralized authentication protocol that
>>>> enables
>>>> > secure, efficient and user friendly authentication on the Web by
>>>> > allowing people to login using client certificates and without relying
>>>> > on Certification Authorities. We also extend the WebID-TLS protocol,
>>>> > offering delegated authentication and access delegation. Finally we
>>>> > present our last contribution, the Social Access Control Service,
>>>> which
>>>> > serves to protect the privacy of Linked Data resources generated by
>>>> > users (e.g. profile data, wall posts, conversations, etc.) by applying
>>>> > two social metrics: the "social proximity distance" and "social
>>>>  contexts".
>>>> >
>>>> > Keywords: Web, decentralized identity, decentralized authentication,
>>>> > privacy, access control, WebID, WebID-TLS
>>>> >
>>>> > Cordialement,
>>>> > Andrei Sambra
>>>> > --
>>>> > Olivier BERGER
>>>> > - OpenPGP-Id:
>>>> 2048R/5819D7E8
>>>> > Ingenieur Recherche - Dept INF
>>>> > Institut Mines-Telecom, Telecom SudParis, Evry (France)
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> >

Received on Tuesday, 26 November 2013 18:28:51 UTC