Re: Making Your LInked Data Discoverable

On 1/23/13 6:54 PM, Bernadette Hyland wrote:
> Thanks Kingsley, timely input into the Linked Data Best Practices doc 
> that is being drafted and will be available for review shortly.


To flesh out matters a little more with regards to <link/> or "Link:" 
and @rel:

1. the relationship between an HTML document (conventional i.e., not 
embedded data islands via RDFa, Microformats, or Microdata) in the 
loosest form is via "related" as opposed to "alternate" -- typically, 
you would be expressing the triple: <HTMLDocURL> xhv:related 
<SomeLinkedDataEntityName> ;

2. if an IANA predicate doesn't work then simply use the Linked Data URI 
of a predicate that best reflects the relationship between the HTML 
document and the entity denoted by a Linked Data URI -- e.g., <link 
href={SomeLinkedDataEntityName} .../>

> Cheers,
> Bernadette Hyland, co-chair
> W3C Government Linked Data Working Group
> Charter:
> On Jan 23, 2013, at 3:09 PM, Kingsley Idehen < 
> <>> wrote:
>> All,
>> Over the years there has been a subtle "blind spot" re. Linked Data 
>> that ultimately leads to many a debate thread about Linked Data 
>> utility and applications etc.. Thus, I would like to outline a few 
>> simple best practices that would go a long way to putting these 
>> reoccurring issues to rest, once and for all.
>> Whenever you publish an (X)HTML based Linked Data interface please 
>> try to achieve at least one of the following:
>> 1. Use Linked Data URIs in @href attribute of the <a/> tag associated 
>> with the literal values that typically label the subject, predicate, 
>> or object of an RDF triple.
>> 2. Use the <link/> tag's @rel attribute to associate the (X)HTML 
>> document with Linked Data URIs of entities it describes or simply 
>> mentions (casually or topically).
>> 3. If you have server access and admin level privileges, repeat #2 on 
>> the server side using the "Link:" header in HTTP responses .
>> Irrespective of how subjectively beautiful or ugly an (X)HTML 
>> interface might be re., Linked Data display, the utility of your 
>> Linked Data is ultimately comprised if it cannot be discovered, 
>> shared, and easily referenced to by other Linked Data tools.
>> Remember, this is all about webby structured data that leverages the 
>> RDF data model -- an entity relationship model endowed with explicit 
>> machine (and human) comprehensible entity relationship semantics :-)
>> Here's a simple example from DBpedia: .
>> -- 
>> Regards,
>> Kingsley Idehen
>> Founder & CEO
>> OpenLink Software
>> Company Web:
>> Personal Weblog: 
>> <>
>> Twitter/ <> handle: @kidehen
>> Google+ Profile:
>> LinkedIn Profile:



Kingsley Idehen	
Founder & CEO
OpenLink Software
Company Web:
Personal Weblog:
Twitter/ handle: @kidehen
Google+ Profile:
LinkedIn Profile:

Received on Thursday, 24 January 2013 03:31:11 UTC