Re: Web chat app over web sockets

On 1/4/13 12:25 PM, Melvin Carvalho wrote:
> I had a couple of hours free so I quickly prototyped something I've 
> been wanting to do for a while.   A web chat app over websockets.
> It works over web sockets and will prepopulate your name with the 
> webid in your certificate if you have one
> It also support multiple chatrooms by adding a subdomain e.g.
> Apologies in advance, given the time constraints, the UI is not as 
> user friendly as I would like it to be, but maybe over time it an 
> improve.
> Am also thinking of adding encryption or a more skype like interface 
> which shows names, pictures and has sound notifications.
> Maybe if I get some time free, or if someone wishes to add some code, 
> just let me know!

Very nice!



Kingsley Idehen	
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Received on Friday, 4 January 2013 23:55:45 UTC