/#!hmm="crawler finds a pretty AJAX URL (that is, a URL containing a #! hash fragment)"

Wondering about this recommendation from da G ;)

"Step-by-step guide
1. Indicate to the crawler that your site supports the AJAX crawling scheme

The first step to getting your AJAX site indexed is to indicate to the crawler that your site supports the AJAX crawling scheme. The way to do this is to use a special token in your hash fragments (that is, everything after the # sign in a URL): hash fragments have to begin with an exclamation mark. For example, if your AJAX app contains a URL like this:


it should now become this:


When your site adopts the scheme, it will be considered "AJAX crawlable." This means that the crawler will see the content of your app if your site supplies HTML snapshots."

Received on Sunday, 21 April 2013 02:26:35 UTC