Re: deployd

Melvin Carvalho wrote:
> Interesting project that offers read and write ability to a JSON backend.
> Updates are also propagated in realtime...

The most interesting aspect of this project (to me), is the UI for 
creating data.

I personally see the transformation between object with properties to 
graphs, and tables with rows&columns to graphs very clearly in my head, 
and I think many developers already grok the row&columns to 
objects&properties transformations - certainly those who've spent any 
time with even the simplest ORM.

So a question which comes up in my mind, is which UI approach is more 
user friendly for adding data, the linear tabular form which allows you 
to edit on object/row/thing at a time (like tabulator), or the familiar 
multi row table view, like excel and most database tools? Certainly the 
latter seems more productive, and appeals to me in deployd.

Received on Monday, 24 September 2012 11:31:41 UTC