Re: Adding an app to a profile

On 11/28/12 7:22 PM, Melvin Carvalho wrote:
> so how about plink : uses ?
> but then again I could say I use public transport, but that doesnt 
> indicate that it is a webapp ...

So in your profile document you can state:

<#i> <#use> <SomeApp>.
<SomeApp> a <#application> .
<#application> owl:equivalentClass <SomeSharedOntologyClass> .

# or

<#application> rdfs:subClassOf <SomeSharedOntologyClass> .


Just do what you would do in the real world with natural language. 
Describe the world as you see it and then expand to the broader world 
via connections.

This is how the Web should be working for a majority of folks circa. 2012.



Kingsley Idehen 
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OpenLink Software
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Received on Thursday, 29 November 2012 12:55:44 UTC