Re: [WAC] regexps in WebAccessControl

On 18 Nov 2012, at 22:06, Nathan <> wrote:

> Henry Story wrote:
>>  []  wac:accessToClass [ wac:regex "http://joe.example/blog/.*" ];
> What would [ wac:regex "http://joe.example/blog/.*" ] mean?
> Using OWL 2 we can create a datatype definition, using a datatype restriction, on strings and the like - but that doesn't (anywhere near) cover what's required here.
> I'm unsure how we'd actually create a Class of things based on the lexical form of a URI though, or even, whether it's a good idea to do so - we are basically saying that if a URI has a lexical form which matches the regular expression x, then that URI denotes something which is of the class y. This feels wrong.

That argument has already taken place [1] and has lead to a W3C standard known as POWDER.

see for example

( it would be nice if that document were rewritten with Turtle examples )

I should have used POWDER directly, but just wanted to get going very quickly to see
what the use cases would be.



> Cheers,
> Nathan

Social Web Architect

Received on Monday, 19 November 2012 09:12:57 UTC