Re: [WAC] regexps in WebAccessControl

Henry Story wrote:
>   []  wac:accessToClass [ wac:regex "http://joe.example/blog/.*" ];


I'm sure this is being modelled wrong. We can do this another, far more 
flexible way.

Let's look to LDP, and SOIC, and other common patterns.

Let us say that <http://joe.example/blog/#all> refers to a collection of 

Then we can say that we will provide access to the class of all things 
which are a :member of <http://joe.example/blog/#all>.

We can do this with simple OWL machinery.. owl:equivalentClass 
owl:intersectionOf, and owl:Restriction's using onProperty.

This covers the same use cases and functionality, without breaking the 
axiom of URI opacity, without clients needing any information hidden by 
the uniform interface, and without limiting to a subset of URIs which 
have a specific lexical form. Making it far more webby, extensible, and 
future friendly.



Received on Sunday, 18 November 2012 21:18:34 UTC