Fwd: Web Architecture

FYI: Quite an interesting post, and high level proposal for a Web
Application Framework ...

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <BillClare3@aol.com>
Date: 27 August 2012 00:59
Subject: Web Architecture
To: www-tag@w3.org, timbl@w3.org, nrm@arcanedomain.com,
ashok.malhotra@oracle.com, ossi@w3.org, ossi.nykanen@tut.fi, ht@inf.ed.ac.uk,
masinter@adobe.com, ylafon@w3.org, jeni@jenitennison.com, robin@berjon.com
Cc: jeff@w3.org


W3C TAG members,

  It seems typical that over time architecture groups start with broad
visions and then tend to become focused on more and more narrow issues.  So
with all the accelerating innovations spawned by the Web is it time for a
revisiting of a broad vision ?

   I suspect many might wish to answer yes to that question, but would
question how to proceed.  Attached is a short paper that was written for a
slightly different purpose, but which tries to address the question from
perspectives of XML language and standards, from that of models and
frameworks, from that of integration of resources, data, services and uses,
and ultimately from the perspective of applications.  In particular, the
paper focuses directly on basic architecture principles, identified by the
W3C, as orthogonality, extensibility, error handling and interoperability.  In
addition it attempts at a basis for completeness as a framework for
applications and their development.  It is much simpler in content and at a
higher level than the W3C recommendation on Web architecture from 2004 –
and perhaps that is a good thing.

   So is it time for new foundations?  And is this feasible ?

   Perhaps these notes can useful for stimulating discussion within the
group and might be useful for soliciting formal sponsorship.

       Thanks for your consideration.

*         Bill Clare*

Received on Monday, 27 August 2012 07:08:52 UTC