Re: Building a paid App Market

On 7 August 2012 15:10, Melvin Carvalho <> wrote:

> Now that we have a few social systems progressing nicely.
> Do people think it's the right time to start working on a paid app market.
> The idea of the web as the intersection of information spaces, could apply
> to apps too.  ie to make apps that are as compatible as possible with other
> app eco systems, but also to allow you to 'deploy to the web', and add in a
> payment system to encourage people to build apps.
> Perhaps it might be possible to hook in payswarm as a possible payments
> system.
> If anyone is interested in this idea, it's something I'd be happy to work
> on, with maybe trying to get a proof of concept ready by end of next month
> in time for TPAC.

FYI I've starting working on a prototype for this and will send out an
update when there's something to see.

I've sent out a few details to those that have expressed an interest in
helping, just shoot me a mail if you'd like to be added to the list :)

> Any thoughts, design ideas, issues?

Received on Wednesday, 15 August 2012 18:32:55 UTC