Re: Animation on Network/Web Thinking

Ooops apologies ... pasted the wrong link ... here's the actual one:

On 10 August 2012 13:14, Melvin Carvalho <> wrote:

> I came across this fascinating 11 minute video animation, which reminds me
> of so many ideas covered in, 'Weaving the Web', and the idea of 'Everything
> connected to Everything'
> It talks about tree structure vs network structure.  The tree of life vs
> the web of life.  Universal nature of data structures.  Hierarchical
> thinking vs Web Thinking.
> Apologies in advance, if it may not be 100% related to tech standards, but
> perhaps might give some insights into the world of non-hierarchical
> connections.  Hopefully the RWW will be part of the force that can breathe
> life into some of these 'chaotic' structures, maybe yielding applications
> we never previously imagined!

Received on Friday, 10 August 2012 11:15:23 UTC