Re: Triple Access Control

On 15 September 2011 00:29, bergi <> wrote:
> Am 13.09.2011 21:32, schrieb Melvin Carvalho:
>>> What do you think about my proposal? Somebody has a different approach?
>> Another possible approach:
>> use owl : sameAs
>> If the agent has access return some triples, if not return FORBIDDEN
> How would you handle complex scenarios like G+ in RDF?
> One approach could be a resource per circle. But that would mean you
> have to duplicate some of your data.
> It would be possible to spread your triples in a way that there are no
> duplicates, but wouldn't that be more complicated to handle than
> describing the rules using the ontology I proposed?

Yeah it can get complex with unions and intersections of your triples.
 I'm not saying it's better but just another way.  I think it's
suitable for more simple use cases such as public data / private data
/ friends data.  Facebook got quite far with this approach.  G+
changed the rules a bit.

> And how do you handle write access? If the data doesn't exist there is
> no resource to point to.

What do you mean by data doesnt exist?

If you have write access on a URI you can add or delete a triple.

Delete can be quite hard if you have invisible triples tho.

> Maybe there is a simple solution to the problems I've described, but
> currently I mainly see disadvantages.

Yes agree, but you did ask for another possible approach :)


Received on Wednesday, 14 September 2011 22:54:21 UTC