Re: [foaf-protocols] Bootstrapping the Semantic Inbox

It may be worth putting up ideas like that that the group wishes to pursue
on the wiki (I suppose there is one). 

The semantic inbox is somewhat similar to the pingback protocol, and playing 
in the same area.

(Btw, would the rww community wish to take on the hosting of the ping back protocol
 and publish it on your site? We wrote this up for the Berlin Social Web Conference,
 but I don't think organisers gave themselves enough time to review all the papers - 
  one week to tell the truth ) 

Putting on the ping back lenses my first question about the semantic inbox, is how 
does a robot know that it is POSTing to a semantic inbox. Does a GET on the semantic inbox
have the resource itself describe itself that way?


On 10 Nov 2011, at 09:26, Melvin Carvalho wrote:

> FYI: here is the semantic inbox concept.
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Toby Inkster <>
> Date: 26 September 2010 11:48
> Subject: [foaf-protocols] Bootstrapping the Semantic Inbox
> To: foaf-protocols <>
> Melvster brought up the concept of the Semantic Inbox on #swig the
> other day. My semantic inbox would be an HTTP(S) URI that accepted POST
> requests, preferably in semantic formats such as RDF and Atom, and held
> them for me to do something with.
> The Semantic Web is, in a way, not a product but a process; not a
> destination but a journey. The goal being to take our existing web and
> make it more meaningful.
> The Semantic Inbox I think should be the same, but what should the
> starting point of the Semantic Inbox journey be? I think it should be
> the HTTP inbox. With that in mind, I've written a few quick scripts to
> easily set up an HTTP inbox:
> This initial implementation just acts as a gateway, forwarding incoming
> messages to a mailbox via SMTP. Copy all the files onto your server,
> and edit mbox.php as appropriate. Feel free to rename mbox.php to
> whatever you want - that's the file that is your Semantic Inbox.
> If accessed over HTTPS, the inbox will perform WebID authentication,
> and pick up the sender's email address from their foaf:mbox. The sender
> email address can also be provided explicitly using the HTTP From
> header.
> The script calls - a Perl implementation of WebID. If you
> don't have Perl and the prerequisite modules installed, then WebID
> support won't work. (I plan on adding support for libAuthentication
> too, but couldn't be bothered to set up MySQL. Coming soon...)
> Once you have an HTTP inbox, you should link to it in your FOAF so that
> it can be discovered:
>        <>
>          <>
>            <> .
> I encourage people on this list to set themselves up an HTTP inbox.
> Once there are a few people with this set up, we can start to figure
> out what's possible with the technology.
> You can send me a message using curl:
>        echo 'Hello Toby!' | curl -X POST \
>          -k -E path/to/your/x509/cert.pem \
>          -H 'Content-Type: text/plain' \
>          -d @- \
> Let's force a From address and Subject line:
>        echo 'Hello Toby!' | curl -X POST \
>          -k -E path/to/your/x509/cert.pem \
>          -H 'Content-Type: text/plain' \
>          -H 'From:' \
>          -H 'Subject: blah blah blah' \
>          -d @- \
> Let's do a non-authenticated request:
>        echo 'Hello Toby!' | curl -X POST \
>          -H 'Content-Type: text/plain' \
>          -H 'From:' \
>          -H 'Subject: blah blah blah' \
>          -d @- \
> --
> Toby A Inkster
> <>
> <>
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> foaf-protocols mailing list

Social Web Architect

Received on Thursday, 10 November 2011 08:38:58 UTC