Re: [foaf-protocols] HTTP request header field for acceptable authentication methods

On 11/5/11 9:03 AM, Joe Presbrey wrote:
> WebID is an ID verified by the metadata available at its web address.


Metadata is a little problematic due to the fact that a WebID resolves 
to the representation of its referent, at an address. Thus, in line with 
pursuit of brevity, I tend to refer to WebIDs as verifiable identifiers. 
Then WebID protocol as a mechanism for verifying WebIDs. Ultimately, we 
can get to the verification specifics piece by piece :-)
> It does not exclude SSLv3, require TLS or X509.

> Short and simple is better.


> In practice I think most people will eg. keep mod_ssl separate from
> mod_authn_webid.

Yes, and they should.

> Best wishes,
> Joe Presbrey
> On Fri, Nov 4, 2011 at 9:45 PM, Peter Williams<>  wrote:
>> So what is webid vs webid-tls?
>> Does webid tls exclude ssl v3?
>> I ask as only very specific agendas call for the elimination of ssl v3. Only .001%  of the users know the difference, and less than half of those can accurately state it.
>> On Nov 4, 2011, at 2:28 AM, "Mark Nottingham"<>  wrote:
>>> On 04/11/2011, at 9:34 AM, bergi wrote:
>>>> Authentication Scheme
>>>> I was thinking about this a little bit more and now I'm not sure if we
>>>> should use WebID or WebID-TLS or even something else. From the
>>>> terminology point of view WebID-TLS would fit better.
>>>> HTTPBis, part 7, section 2.3 [1] points to a link on the IANA web site
>>>> which is dead [2]. I haven't found a new URL. Somebody knows if this
>>>> page has moved somewhere else?
>>> That link is dead because HTTPbis hasn't been through the entire process yet; the IANA registries will be established later on.
>>> Cheers,
>>> --
>>> Mark Nottingham
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Received on Saturday, 5 November 2011 16:26:57 UTC