Rules Charter now under AC Review

Earlier today, a proposed charter for a Rule Interchange Format
Working Group was submitted [1] to the W3C Advisory Committee.  This
begins a four-week process [2] during which Advisory Committee members
can submit their formal review comments on this charter.  If you are
affiliated with a W3C member, this may be a good time to make sure
your Advisory Committee respresentative knows of your interest in this
area. If you are not, this may be a good time to join! [3]

The charter itself is here:

It was significantly re-worked from the earlier draft [4], based on
extensive feedback.  I want to thank everyone who took the time to
review and comment on the earlier drafts; this would have been
impossible without your help.  I think I managed to address most of
the concerns raised.  If you have additional comments or concerns, at
this point they are probably best raised through the review process
mentioned above.

    -- sandro

[1] (member only)

Received on Monday, 26 September 2005 16:41:00 UTC