Comments to Rules Working Group Charter Draft $Revision: 1.60$ (Part II)

Dear Sandro and all


Following my previous e-mail, I send you a small text to be possibly added
to the revised Charter.


I remind you that during the Washington Workshop, several use case
presentations (situation awareness, DoD applications, telecom applications,
geospatial scenarios etc) described a clear interest in uncertainty
reasoning and fuzzy logic. Moreover, several participants (including Tim
Berners-Lee) expressed an interest in the topic and mentioned the need for
covering uncertainty in the rule language.


Using the document below, we can satisfy this industry requirement without
changing anything in the new Working Group proposal. The proposed issue will
be covered by only adding in the revised charter an optional language
feature and after the formal start of the WG, a possible Task Force within
the new Working Group could cover this issue. It is important to mention
that this feature will not change anything in applications that do not
require the specification of uncertainty (the work on fuzziness/uncertainty
that started in RuleML provides a clear scope for such extensions also
following this requirement). 




2.x Uncertainty and fuzziness


It would be useful for the language to be able to represent uncertain and
vague information. Thus, the extension of the core language with uncertainty
reasoning and fuzzy logic capabilities will be provided. A requirement for
this extension is that it should generalize the two-valued Boolean logic of
{0,1} into the interval [0,1], by providing a sound extension of Boolean
logic. Hence, such a feature should not affect applications that do not
require the specification of uncertainty.






Giorgos Stamou


Research Assistant Professor

Image, Video and Multimedia Systems Laboratory

Institute of Communication and Computer Systems

National Technical University of Athens

Zographou Campus, 15780, Athens, Greece

Tel: +30-210-7723040  Fax: +30-210-7722492



Received on Thursday, 8 September 2005 16:32:32 UTC