Comments to Rules Working Group Charter Draft $Revision: 1.60$

Dear Sandro and all


All this period, following the charter submission, we are witnessing a very
interesting theoretical discussion in this list, mainly regarding the
monotonic vs non-monotonic language characteristic. Now, that this
discussion seems to be finished (at least for the moment :-) ), in my
opinion it is time to discuss other important issues. 


During the Washington Workshop, it became clear from the industry
requirements (that is actually an important input), that covering
uncertainty and vagueness possess an important language feature. Although
this fact has been reflected to the Workshop report (
<>, unfortunately it has been
omitted from the draft charter 1.60. Since a lot of work has been carried
out within this framework and this subject is very promising (see refs
below), I believe that fuzzy logic technology is mature enough in order to
be covered in the charter, in the language features section. Fuzzy logic is
just an extension and does NOT change the classical logic framework. It
extends the truth values from {0,1} to [0,1], but if we have only 0 or 1
values, the results are IDENTICAL to the classical logic ones. So, the
uncertainty covering feature is only an OPTIONAL one, which does not change
anything but only ADDS something.


I would also like to mention that recently a Technical Group in RuleML
( has been created dealing with the
above issues. People from this Technical Group could also contribute to this
effort within the possible W3C Rule Language Working Group.


If no objections exist, we could help by providing material for the charter,
as a sub-section of section 2 (language features).




Giorgos Stamou


Research Assistant Professor

Image, Video and Multimedia Systems Laboratory

Institute of Communication and Computer Systems

National Technical University of Athens

Zographou Campus, 15780, Athens, Greece

Tel: +30-210-7723040  Fax: +30-210-7722492






Stoilos, G., Stamou, G., Tzouvaras, V., Pan, J., Horrocks, I.: The Fuzzy
Description Logic SHIN, 

Proc. of the International Workshop on Uncertainty Reasoning For the
Semantic Web (2005). To Appear 


Pan, J.Z., Stamou, G., Tzouvaras, V., Horrocks, I.: f-SWRL: A Fuzzy

of SWRL. In: Proc. of the International Conference on Artificial Neural

Special section on "Intelligent multimedia and semantics". (2005) To appear. 


Stoilos, G., Stamou, G., Tzouvaras, V., Pan, J., Uncertainty and RuleML
rulebases: A Preliminary Report

Proc. of the International Conference on Rules and Rule Markup Languages for
the Semantic Web (2005). To Appear


Straccia, Umberto. Query Answering in Normal Logic Programs under
Uncertainty. In Proceedings of 

the 8th European Conferences on Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to
Reasoning with Uncertainty (ECSQARU-05), 2005.


C. V. Damasio, L. M. Pereira. Sorted Monotonic Logic Programs and their
embedding (extended version).

Invited paper in the session of Logic Programming with Imperfect Information
of  Information Processing 

and Management of Uncertainty, IPMU'04, Perugia, Italy, July 2004, pp-


C. V. Damasio, L. M. Pereira. Antitonic Logic Programs. In Thomas Eiter,
Wolfgang Faber, Mirosaw Truszczynski 

(Eds.): Logic Programming and Nonmonotonic Reasoning, 6th International
Conference, LPNMR01 

<> , Vienna, Austria, September 17-19,
2001, Proceedings. 

Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 2173 Springer 2001, ISBN


R. Ebrahim, Fuzzy Logic Programming, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 2001, 117


Mateis, C.: Extending disjunctive logic programming by t-norms. Proceedings
of the 5th International 

Conference on Logic Programming and Nonmonotonic Reasoning, London, UK,
Springer-Verlag (1999) 290-304 


Gerd Wagner. Negation in fuzzy and possibilistic logic programs.

In T. Martin and F. Arcelli, editors, Logic programming and Soft

Computing. Research Studies Press, 1998.


Flint Fuzzy Logic Toolkit, 




Received on Wednesday, 7 September 2005 09:07:51 UTC