Re: NAF v. SNAF - where is this being addressed?

> At 14:28 -0400 6/29/05, Michael Kifer wrote:
> >Jim,
> >
> >Yes, the charter must include this.  But I am not sure which charter is
> >being discussed. A particular document or in general?
> >
> >
> >	--michael 
> >
> my understanding is that there is discussion of creating a W3C 
> working group to look at creating a rules language (maybe semantic 
> web rules language), and that this mailing list is the place for that 
> discussion.  The specifics of what goes in a charter is spelled out 
> in the W3C process document [1].  Other standards organizations 
> probably have other guidelines, but it wouldn't be very sporty to 
> discuss some other approach on a W3C mailing list :-)
>   -JH

Ah, ok.  I had (perhaps wrong impression) that you were referring to a
specific charter proposal where SNAF was not mentioned.


Received on Wednesday, 29 June 2005 18:48:01 UTC