Re: Merging Rulesets

Dave Reynolds wrote:
> Gerd Wagner wrote:
>> Coming back to your scenario, I think it's realistic to
>> have the following kinds of rules:
>> a) pimozide is contraindicated with macrolides according to a 
>>    1996 FDA bulletin 
>> b) pimozide is safe in conjunction with macrolides for men
>>    over 60 according to a 1999 FDA bulletin
> [An excellent example.]
>> Then b would logically contradict a, and we would need
>> a nonmonotonic conflict resolution procedure such as
>> giving higher priority to more specific and/or more 
>> recent pieces of knowledge.
> Or we might decide that medical decision making was too
> important to base on generic conflict resolution procedures
> and instead require someone to explicitly resolve the
> interaction between the rules. In that case the ability
> to detect the contradiction would be useful, indeed perhaps
> a requirement.

I second such requirement and a few years ago also proposed it
for OWL
but the issue was postponed..

For OWL test case work I was using rules with empty conclusion
e.g. {?Y owl:disjointWith ?Z. ?X a ?Y, ?Z} => {}.
and run the inconsistency tests as trying to prove {}.

Another point is writing rule
{premise-triples} => {conclusion-triples}. as
{{conclusion-triples} => {}} => {{premise-triples} => {}}.
to infer integrity constraints such as the ones in example

Jos De Roo, AGFA

Received on Tuesday, 30 August 2005 22:08:01 UTC