RE: RSP telco 10.07.2015

Dear All,


Due to teaching commitments I cannot join today. Thanks for giving the CEP
sub-wiki page a start with the documentation of the discussion at the ESWC
f2f meeting. Will contribute to it once I find time.

Cheers, Adrian



Prof. Dr. Adrian Paschke

AG Corporate Semantic Web

Freie Universität Berlin




From: Alessandra Mileo [] 
Sent: Freitag, 10. Juli 2015 13:46
To: Daniele Dell'Aglio
Subject: Re: RSP telco 10.07.2015


Hi Daniele, thanks for that.

I am not sure I will be able to attend today cause I have a clashing meeting
that might take longer than expected.

I created a sub-wiki page on SCEP in RSP-QL [1] as a starting point, thus
enabling Josi to contribute to UseCases from now on.


This is mostly a report of what happened in the f2f, but we would ideally
like to trigger some continuous work on that side, aligned with the RSP-QL
conversations, especially for embedding state management, windowing and
stateful operators for SCEP within the RSP-QL semantics.


[1] is a start, but I would like to have a more stable group of ppl
expressing interest in contributing.







Dr. Alessandra Mileo
Senior Research Fellow & Adjunct Lecturer

PI and WP Leader -  <>
INSIGHT Research Center
NUI Galway, Ireland
Email:  <>

Web:  <>






On 09/lug/2015, at 12:54, Daniele Dell'Aglio <
<> > wrote:

Dear all,
the call will be tomorrow at 15:00 CEST. The link is the usual one [1], but
Jean-Paul is on vacation, so I will replace him.

The agenda is at [2] (thanks Peter), and in general we will continue the
discussions about the RDF stream model and the related vocabulary. 

Best regards,



Received on Friday, 10 July 2015 13:38:16 UTC