Re: [RSP-QL] Regarding standalone keyword 'NOW'

If I understand it correctly, then it seems that this keyword, or some 
other syntax with similar semantics, would be necessary, e.g., to 
describe the creation of a stream that reports about the time of 
creation of each stream item. The question would then be - is this in 
the (current) scope of the RSP-QL specification?

As was mentioned in the last telecon, the scope of the specification is 
not explicitly defined, that I know of. Could we devote some time in the 
next telecon to a discussion of the scope?

Perhaps we could start with each of our "wish lists", and then split 
them into the ones that are feasible for the first edition of the 
specification, those that might be addressed in the future, and those 
that are completely out of scope. The Github issue tracker is a possible 
space for developing this, if everyone is comfortable with that application.


On 12/16/15 4:58 AM, Robin Keskisärkkä wrote:
> Hi!
> Do we think that the keyword NOW for logical windows will be supported 
> in the RSP-QL specification? I haven't heard it be pushed as a 
> proposal, nor is it any of the sample queries. CQELS defines the 
> keyword NOW for windows to include data from the current timestamp, e.g.:
> CONSTRUCT { ?person :in ?room }
>    STREAM <http://room.sensor> <http://room.sensor%3E> [NOW] {
>       ?event a :Observation ;
>                    :observedPerson ?person ;
>                    :sensorLocation ?room .
>    }
> }
> One possible interpretation of the keyword is that it is syntactic 
> sugar for the minimal range of a logical window in an RSP engine (e.g. 
> an interval limit related to the precision of the engine, or some 
> property set by the user). I'm interested to hear any arguments for 
> keeping the keyword as it is used in CQELS, as opposed to only 
> allowing a window range to be defined as a range (with an optional STEP).
> Cheers,
> Robin
> Best regards,
> Robin Keskisärkkä
> PhD Student
> Linköping University
> *Department*
> 581 83 Linköping
> Mobile: +46 (0)70 49 09 179
> Please visit us at <>

Received on Wednesday, 16 December 2015 11:28:56 UTC