Re: RSP Query Semantics - RDF Stream Processing Community Group

Hi all,

Don’t panic!! ;-) Sure, I think that we all had a common agreement, and it
is more about not having had enough time slots / workforce to edit it ;-)

As you can see from the history of the page, intervals were already
considered in the wiki page edition of the 6th of March
oldid=209), where we were focusing on defining the semantics of windows
and were talking about the two possibilities (in fact, intervals are
considered in that section of the wiki page).

Then we started adding what we understand by the model, and it is true
that intervals are missing from there. The discussion moved as well into
which other representations could be valid.

So, happy to have somebody editing it.



Oscar Corcho
Ontology Engineering Group (OEG)
Departamento de Inteligencia Artificial
Facultad de Informática
Campus de Montegancedo s/n
Boadilla del Monte-28660 Madrid, España
Tel. (+34) 91 336 66 05
Fax  (+34) 91 352 48 19

El 04/04/14 13:36, "Manfred Hauswirth" <>

>Dear all,
>Avi is right IMHO! We discussed this a number of times and I thought we
>had agreed that intervals are essential (also from our practical
>experience in a lot of projects).
>So, I fully support Avi's proposal.
>On 04/04/14 09:30, Abraham Bernstein wrote:
>> Dear all
>> I just to the Query semantics page
>> ( ). Reading the
>> text I saw that the page says:
>> G = {( subj, pred, obj)}
>> and
>> A stream is a sequence (G, τ ) where τ ∈ T the set of all timestamps.
>> This worries me!
>> As we discussed a number of time (I believe I raised the issue back last
>> September
>> and it
>> seemed to me that we got agreement on the issue
>> */intervals are elemental/*. Many things do not happen in one moment of
>> time but are really things that are happening over time. Hence, I would
>> prefer a formulation like the following:
>> A stream is a sequence (G, τ ) where τ ∈ T the set of all *intervals*.
>> τ = [t_s, t_e], where t_s denotes the start time and t_e denotes the end
>> time.
>> As a short hand notation we could say that when t_s = t_e then one can
>> only write one of them.
>> What do you guys think?
>> Avi
>> -----------------------------------------------------------------
>> |  Professor Abraham Bernstein, PhD
>> |  University of Zürich, Department of Informatics
>> |  web:
>Prof. Manfred Hauswirth
>INSIGHT Centre for Data Analytics
>Digital Enterprise Research Institute (DERI)
>National University of Ireland, Galway

Received on Friday, 4 April 2014 11:52:19 UTC