Re: RSP Query Semantics - RDF Stream Processing Community Group

Dear all,

Avi is right IMHO! We discussed this a number of times and I thought we 
had agreed that intervals are essential (also from our practical 
experience in a lot of projects).

So, I fully support Avi's proposal.



On 04/04/14 09:30, Abraham Bernstein wrote:
> Dear all
> I just to the Query semantics page
> ( ). Reading the
> text I saw that the page says:
> G = {( subj, pred, obj)}
> and
> A stream is a sequence (G, τ ) where τ ∈ T the set of all timestamps.
> This worries me!
> As we discussed a number of time (I believe I raised the issue back last
> September
> and it
> seemed to me that we got agreement on the issue
> */intervals are elemental/*. Many things do not happen in one moment of
> time but are really things that are happening over time. Hence, I would
> prefer a formulation like the following:
> A stream is a sequence (G, τ ) where τ ∈ T the set of all *intervals*.
> τ = [t_s, t_e], where t_s denotes the start time and t_e denotes the end
> time.
> As a short hand notation we could say that when t_s = t_e then one can
> only write one of them.
> What do you guys think?
> Avi
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> |  Professor Abraham Bernstein, PhD
> |  University of Zürich, Department of Informatics
> |  web:

Prof. Manfred Hauswirth
INSIGHT Centre for Data Analytics
Digital Enterprise Research Institute (DERI)
National University of Ireland, Galway

Received on Friday, 4 April 2014 11:36:52 UTC