Re: [RSP] F2F Meeting Sydney

Hi all,

please find the WebEx connection details below:

Topic: RSP F2F @ ISWC 2013 [Danh Le Phuoc]
Date: Tuesday, 22 October 2013
Time: 6:30, GMT Summer Time (London, GMT+01:00)

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2013/10/15 Jean-Paul <>

> Hello All,
> As already announced the F2F meeting will take place in sydney during the
> last part of the OrdRing Wshop:
> We might try to set up WebEx for those (many) who cannot travel to Sydney.
> I will let you know.
> We can use the F2F meeting to bootstrap the definition of requirements,
> which could be a necessary step. As we saw in the previous calls, we have
> several approaches and implementations, which target different scenarios.
> However, many of them share features (model, query language extensions,
> etc).
> Then, one first possible contribution of this CG is a report that
> systematically defines key requirements for an RDF stream (query)
> processor. I have seen other recent WGs and XGs define similar documents,
> which can give us an idea of what we could produce.
> *
> * XG provenance:
> Once we have the requirements agreed within the CG, we can work on
> specifications of (meta)models and language extensions that Fulfill those
> requirements.
> What do you think? We can discuss about it.
> The proposed Agenda for the meeting is the following:
> - Summary of the first 'background' phone calls.
> - Propose an overall work plan.
> - Use cases and requirements: define scope, delegate responsibility
> - Planning on CG reports:
>   * Use cases and requirements, RDF Stream (meta)model?, RDF Stream
> language extensions?
> - Discussion
> Best,
> --
> Jean-Paul Calbimonte
> Ontology Engineering Group
> Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Jean-Paul Calbimonte
Ontology Engineering Group
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Received on Saturday, 19 October 2013 22:04:26 UTC