some suggestions on organizing Telcos

Dear all,

while I learnt today that we can't use W3C's infrastructure for our 
phone calls, I'd still suggest to base on their best practices for making it easier to follow the phone calls:

1) have an assigned scribe per Telco (disjoint from the chair, who should moderate and keep the speaker queue), 

2) assign scribelist before meetings, to be sure that scribe knows beforehand and is preparded to scribe

3) have a speaker queue (miantained by the chair)

4) use W3C notetaking style in the chat… e.g. for assigning actions, noting who said what, etc.

5) ...use a (W3C) IRC chat channel, I think IRC is more convenient than the Webex chat. Maybe - to be checked with W3C team - we could et least use their note-generation tools, even if we are not allowed to use all their bot and Telco facilities like Zakim) 

6) the W3C members among us (WU will join in Jan) could maybe try to lobby for community groups to be allowed to use some of the facilities that don't cause them team resources


Received on Friday, 22 November 2013 15:11:44 UTC