Re: CTAUR Updates Branch Available

On 26/2/24 19:53, Janina Sajka wrote:
> Note that I may make additional edits ahead of our meeting, so feel free
> to suggest edits in reply to this message ahead of our call.

Thank you, Janina. Based on an initial reading, I would make the 
following suggestions.

1. In the abstract, "examples of the former" is ambiguous due to recent 
editing - perhaps change it to be more specific about the type of tool.

2. The later paragraphs of section 1.2 would, I think, benefit from 
clarification and streamlining. If you could give them a review and 
decide whether you agree, and whether there are changes you wish to make.

3. In general, the revisions are progressing well, and in accord with 
Task Force discussions.

Received on Tuesday, 27 February 2024 17:59:22 UTC