Re: Linking to a time-stamped portion of a video resource

I believe it's in the HTML 5 specs, but it may be the two media specs
from our Timed Text WG, Web VTT and TTML.

The feature is called "Chapters." It is unilevel, unfortunately. Much as
we tried to get nested structures into HTML 5, we did not succeed at

I have begun raising the prospect of markup for Chapters. I believe we
want to support AAC symbol alternatives, and possible sign authoring
(e.g. ASL). Michael Cooper is in conversations with a group looking to
bring a sign authoring spec into W3C, probably to start in a Community

More when we talk!


Jason White writes:
> Dear colleagues,
> For purposes of our media and transcript synchronization conversation
> tomorrow, I've undertaken research online. It appears that some video
> players support URIs with fragment identifiers that enable you to specify a
> timestamp in a video. Thus, it should be possible to link to a specific time
> offset.
> According to the discussions that I read, only some media players support
> this feature. I have not as yet found any reference to a standard for it.


Janina Sajka (she/her/hers)
Accessibility Consultant

The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI)
Co-Chair, Accessible Platform Architectures

Linux Foundation Fellow

Received on Wednesday, 19 April 2023 08:15:16 UTC