Second WAI-CooP symposium proposal

Thank you, Judy, for the timely reminder.

The Research Questions Task Force considered the WAI-CooP symposium 
proposal at its meeting today, reaffirming its earlier consensus that 
everyone is supportive of the AI/machine learning topic, and comfortable 
with the general format of the Symposium as conducted last year.

With thanks and regards,


On 7/9/22 00:28, Judy Brewer wrote:
> Hi Jason and all,
> For the miscellaneous items section of the agenda, I believe there has 
> been an outstanding agenda request for some time to discuss plans for 
> the upcoming WAI-CooP Symposium. I encourage you to take this up in 
> today's meeting, as they need to be able to move ahead with their 
> planning cycle.
> Sorry that as usual I have a conflicting meeting and won't be able to 
> join you, unless that meeting ends early. Wishing you a good 
> discussion on what looks like a full agenda.
> Thank you,
> - Judy
> On 9/5/2022 3:36 PM, Jason White wrote:
>> RQTF Meeting Agenda for 7 September 2022
>>   RQTF Meeting Agenda for 7 September 2022
>>     Scheduling Note
>> There will be no regular RQTF meeting on 14 or 21 September. The 
>> normal schedule resumes, however, on 28 September.
>>     Overview
>> The main purpose of the meeting is to discuss preparation for joint 
>> working group meetings at TPAC 2022.
>>     Agenda
>> |agenda+ Task Force publications: any updates or questions. agenda+ 
>> Accessibility of the Web of Things. agenda+ TPAC 2022: preparation 
>> for joint meetings. agenda+ Miscellaneous topics.|
>>     References
>> See the overview page 
>> <> 
>> on the wiki for references to current Task Force documents.
>>   * APA Working Group planning page for TPAC 2022
>>     <>
>>   * W3C Accessibility Maturity Model
>>     <>
>>   * Proposed W3C Workshop on Immersive Worlds on the Web
>>     <>
>>   * Ethical Principles for Web Machine Learning
>>     <>
>>   * Inaccessibility of CAPTCHA (Public Working Draft)
>>     <>.
>>   * Inaccessibility of CAPTCHA: open issues
>>     <>.
>>   * Natural Language Interface Accessibility User Requirements
>>     <>.
>>   * Natural Language Interface Accessibility User Requirements: open
>>     issues <>.
>>   * Collaboration Accessibility User Requirements
>>     <>.
>>   * Reporting API: possible use cases
>>     <>.
>>   * W3C Reporting API - working draft <>.
>>     Minutes of Previous Meeting
>> Please see the minutes at 
>> <>.
>>     Instructions to Join
>> Instructions for joining (including the Zoom link and a reference to 
>> a service for converting the meeting time to your current time zone) 
>> are available from this non-public page 
>> <>.
> -- 
> Judy Brewer
> and Director, Web Accessibility Initiative
> at the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
> 105 Broadway, Room 7-128, MIT/CSAIL
> Cambridge MA 02142 USA

Received on Wednesday, 7 September 2022 13:58:06 UTC